Sunday, August 15, 2010

Industries Reliant on Partner Portals

Recently, I have observed the growing number of companies that are relying on partner portals. I understand that they really are important and the production and exchange of information between parent companies and their associates however I also think that it’s absurdly difficult to rely on just that. I also think that big companies who ally themselves with significantly much smaller ones not much to gain. Banks are a good example for these types. After all, it is almost a requirement to them today that they have to get the right information they need to carefully calculate their next move. Experimenting is not so bad but I learned that it may also cost you.
channel management solutions

I learned this from my brother. He is an associate manager of a bank in the city which is aiming to expand and experiment applying their type of business on the countryside. They found themselves some good small time banks to exchange information with so as to know how to determine the cost they are going to invest in their little experiment. Months later, the result was a negative sign for them since their bank system needed a minimum number of clients and customers who were not available on the countryside they chose. Of course, the other small time banks they traded information with now knows a lot about the business on the city, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those banks suddenly aimed to expand their business in the city.

Some start-up marketing companies are also not an exception to this. Those marketing companies who want to do their business on different channels always had the problem of transferring from one channel to another; especially since some of them really don’t have much flexibility in their system to begin with. Plus if these companies don’t have partner portals or channel management of some sort they often end up on channel conflicts. I remember a close friend of mine often getting angry for having competition over the same prospect with people from the same company. This just goes to show that companies in the industry of marketing and banking are becoming more and more dependent on technology.

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